All India BSNL Pensioners' Welfare Association.

Hyderabad District Conference on 30-12-2024

The District Conference of Hyderabad District was held on 30th December 2024. The conference was attended by Com. V. Vara Prasad, General Secretary, Com. A. Sudhakara Rao, CHQ Organizing Secretary, Com. E. Upendar, Circle Secretary, Com. M.R.S. Prakasa Rao, Chief Advisor, AP Circle, and Com. Gopa Raju, Circle President, who addressed the conference of about 200 plus delegates. Hyderabad District has a total strength of 3,700 members and is organized into 8 branches. Com. Peraiah Pantulu, Ex-President, and Com. Govinda Rajulu, Ex-Circle Secretary also addressed. The Annual Report and financial accounts were presented during the meeting and were approved unanimously by the members. Elections were held, and Com. S. Narasimha Rao, Com. M. Madhu, and Com. R. Syamsundara Rao were unanimously re-elected as President, Secretary, and Treasurer, respectively