All India BSNL Pensioners' Welfare Association.



Com. G.Natarajan, General Secy, AIBSNLPWA visited vellore on 19.05.2015. Knowing this within a span of 10 Hours a
big meeting was conducted. Coms Pon. Arumugam and V.Arumuga Pandi, Presided. Com C.Murugan Joint Secy.
Welcomed all. Com.V.S. MuthuKumaran, T.N Circle Org.Secy, Spoke.

Com. G.Natarajan in his speech gave a detailed report on 78.2 % IDA Merger to the
BSNL Pensioners and the efforts taken by our All India Association to settle this issue. He also explained MRS
Pension anomaly and The 7th CPC and Our role .

Com .M Selvarajan gave vote of thanks.


Finally, there is a happy news for BSNL retirees.

Even though it was delayed too much, beyond all expectations, the Cabinet Note prepared by Estt. Section of DOT in December 2014 has been cleared by the Finance Wing.

Yesterday, our Legal Committee Member, Shri R L Kapoor, was told that Estt Section has received the File back from the office of Member (Finance).

Today morning Com. D Gopalakrishnan, our Vice President spoke to the Director concerned and it was confirmed.

Again, today Com. R C Malhotra (NTR Circle President) and Com. Sisodia (Circle Secretary) met the Director. They were also told that Estt Section is finalizing the Cabinet Note.

It will be sent to the Minister for his signature, through Secretary, Telecom soon. Once the Minister approves the draft Cabinet Note it will be sent to the four nodal Ministries for their opinion. As per the rule, the Nodal ministries should convey their views (positive or negative) within 15 days. Thereafter, the Cabinet note will go to the Cabinet.

This is the procedure. Nobody can change this process.

We are happy that Finance has approved the proposal and the file is now moving...


It is confirmed that the Cabinet Note on 78.2% Has been approved by Finance wing of DoT.

Estt Section is taking further action on it.







The biannual general body meeting of our Chickamagaluru branch in Karnataka

was held on 15-5-2015. Com. P Gangadhara Rao (AGS and Circle President)

as well as Com. R Changappa (Circle Secretary) attended the meeting. They

spoke on various issues like 78.2% case, Future Pension Revision and also about

the ensuing All India Conference to be hosted by Karnataka comrades in Bangalore

in November next.

The meeting elected Shri T S Ramachandra (Retd DGM) as the President,

Shri B N Halappa as the District Secretary and

Shri K Satyanarayana as the Treasurer.


R C Malhotra, Circle President reports from Delhi today that Member (F) has cleared the File and the same has reached the office of Member(Services).


Entire BSNL staff went on two days strike on 21st and 22nd April 2015. Neither the Minister nor the Chairman of Telecom Commission gave any meeting to discuss the issues involved despite repeated requests from the United Forum of BSNL staff unions.
A meeting between the United Forum and the Secretary, Telecom was originally fixed for 25th April (Four days after the strike). Then, it was postponed to 27th April. Again, it was postponed to 1st May 2015. Finally, it was held on 1-5-2015. One of the items raised was the extension of 78.2% IDA benefit for pension revision. Secretary, Telecom has assured that the Cabinet Note would be sent without further delay.


Comrades G Natarajan (GS) and K Muthiyalu (Org Secretary) along with Com. R L Kapoor, Legal Committee Member met the Member (F) of Telecom Commission once again today and discussed about Ø Application of 7th CPC report to BSNL retirees and Ø 78.2% IDA for pension revision. 7th CPC office has now officially asked comments from Dept. of Telecom on our Memorandum. It is only because of our meeting with Joint Secretary to 7th CPC yesterday. Member (Finance) assured that suitable reply would be sent to the Pay Commission soon. On the case of 78.2%, Member (Finance) raised some queries on relevance of Nakara Case judgement in the matter, the financial benefit that can be derived from the change of fitment formula from 68.8% to 78.2% etc. Our leaders explained the position. [Com. D Gopalakrishnan prepared a chart on the financial benefit with 68.8% and 78.2% and sent it as Email to Member (F). She was kind enough to acknowledge receipt of it.] Ultimately Member (Finance) assured that she would immediately clear the file on 78.2%, pending with her for the last few weeks.We are waiting with hopes.Our leaders returned from New Delhi today night, after the successful mission.


HOW MANY, HOW MUCH? HOW MANY, HOW MUCH?.....................................

Pensioners Associations have been demanding restoration of medical allowance without voucher at least for the pensioners. After lot of persuasion, the BSNL Corporate office asked the Circles to intimate how many pensioners are availing the BSNL MRS and how much was spent on outdoor treatment and how much is anticipated as expenditure for outdoor treatment for the next three years etc. etc.

The Circles simply ignored the Circular from Corporate Office, as usual. Only Corporate Office, Mumbai Telephone Factory, WTR, STR and QA Circles have so far replied to the query from the Corporate Office. They represent just 5-10 percent of pensioners. Now, on 23-4-2015, the Corporate Office has sent a reminder to all Circles to supply the DATA. BSNL Circles will not act upon the Circular or reminders and reminders.

BSNL Corporate Office must have some DATA through the ERP. Corporate Office should take a policy decision in the matter with that DATA. 

view file.


How bad is the damage?

More than 1,000 people were killed in four countries and the toll is likely to rise substantially in the coming days. The magnitude-7.8 quake was the worst to hit Nepal in eight decades and caused damage and fatalities in neighbouring countries as well. In addition to at least 1,130 people killed in Nepal, at least 36 were killed in India, 12 in Tibet and two in Bangladesh. Two Chinese citizens died at the Nepal-China border.



After six and a half years, the Department of Pension has issued a clarification that fraction, if any, in the additional pension being granted to senior pensioners above 80 years of age, can be rounded off to the next higher rupee.

view file.


According to UNI, Shri Arun Jaitley, Finance Minister answering a supplementary question in the Parliament said that the Report of 7th Central Pay Commission is expected this year itself. It means Financial year ending on 31-3-2016.


On 26th March 2015, BSNL Corporate Office sent a circular to all Circles to supply some data regarding the Pension anomaly of those BSNL staff retired before completing 10 months in the company. Circles were asked to supply the data within ten days.

ONLY THREE CIRCLES HAVE SUPPLIED THE DATA ! OTHERS DID NOT CARE!! Now, on 17-4-2015 the Corporate Office has sent a reminder asking all circles to treat the matter as most urgent. The case is coming up before CAT, New Delhi on 21-4-2015.


BSNL Corporate Office has issued fresh instruction to revew provisional pension cases and Gratuity cases and settle them.


BSNL Corporate Office has reiterated orders for timely settlement of Pension Cases.


Department of Pension has requested all Pensioners' Organisations to co-operate with it in popularising theJEEVAN PRAMAAN introduced recently.

JEEVAN PRAMAAN helps all pensioners submit the Life Certificate in November every year, on line, without personally appearing before the concerned officer in their Pension Paying Bank.

For that, The Pensioner should have an Aadhaar Card. It should be linked with the Bank Account.

In November, The Life Certificate can be sent to Bank from your Computer or Mobile Phone.

The letter from Department of Pension to Pensioners' Organizations is attached herewith.

view file