All India BSNL Pensioners' Welfare Association.




CHQ calls upon all members all over the country to donate liberally to the Odisha Relief fund immediately. Branch Secretaries are requested to collect the same and remit the entire amount to the Current Account opened by our Odisha circle branch for the purpose. The details are available in he Special circular given below.


With Regards,

P Gangadhara Rao, General Secretary


Com. K B Krishna Rao, General Secretary, Karnataka P&T Pensioners Association,Bengaluru, being a member of the SCOVA, received a communication from Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare seeking views and suggestions on DIRECT TAXES to assist the Department in taking a pragmatic view for placing the matter before the Department of Revenue for its use during Budget Formulations relating to Direct taxes.In turn, Com. Krishna Rao sought our opinion on the matter. We have submitted the following suggestion:

Suggestion: Pension being granted to Ex Govt Servants and Family Pension being granted to spouses of Ex Govt Servants should not be taxed.


1.Pension is not salary. Even if it is treated as Salary, it is deferred payment, as observed by the Apex Court. When delayed payment is made as arrears of pay or pension, the whole amount is not accounted for the respective assessment year, based on Form 10E filed by the assessee.

2.Pension of Ex MPs and their spouses is not being taxed on the plea that “it is not salary but income from other sources”. The ‘source’ is nothing but Government Funds. They are paid pension by Government of India from government funds, not by the people who elected them. Family pension is paid to the spouses of deceased MPs and former MPs by Government of India not by the voters. At the same time, sitting MPs, Ex MPs and their spouses are entitled tobenefits at par with central government employees and pensioners in the matter of medical facilities under CGHS etc. While the pension to Ex MPs and family pension to spouses of Ex MPs is not being taxed there is no justification for taxing the pension being granted to Ex Government servants and spouses of Ex Employees who receive pension from the same source of Government funds.

2.Pension is not being taxed in countries like Brazil, Russian federation and Sri Lanka as well as number of states in USA.


Heads of all CPPCs to instruct all their bank branches dealing with the pension payments to record the PPO number in all the passbooks of the pensioners/family pensioners issued by them.



Today on 6-5-19, Mangalore (Karnataka) District Conference was held in the presence of Com. P Gangadhara Rao GS, Radhakrishna AGS and R Changappa CS KTK. Coms H Ramakrishna , K Chandramohan and U Seetharam Bhat have been re elected unanimously as District President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively.


Chennai Telephone District celebrated May day on 1.5.2019 at Anna Nagar Exchange Complex.

Association flag was hoisted by Com. V. Rathna (CHQ-AGS).

Comrades T. S. Vittoban (CHQ-Treasurer), V. Rathna, (AGS), R. Venkatachalam (CS-TN), S. Thangaraj (CS-Chennai) , M.Munuswamy (President-TN) have spoken highlighting the unity and significance of May Day.


* All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers-AICPI(IW) for March ,2019 increased by TWO points and pegged at 309.*


District conference of C.G.M. staff (admin.staff) Gujarat Circle held on 11-04-2019 in presence of Com. Hirpara C.S, Com. Varma Circle President & Com.Patel D/t.

Com.H.S.Vaghela, R.S.Nahak, H.M.Makwana are elected unanimously as District president, District Secretary, District treasurer respectively for next tenure


Silchar District Conference (Assam Circle) was held at Silchar, under the Presidentship of Com.Shyamapada Chakraborty and in the presence of Shyamalendu Bhattacharjee ( Circle Secretary,Assam) on 27th of April, 19.

About 150 delegates/observers attended the conference. Com.Shyamapada Chakraborty, Com. Manoranjan Das ,Com.Sudip Das have been elected unanimously as Dist.President, Dist.Secretary and Dist.Treasurer.


Hither to, in Haryana State, our Association is having District Branches in 8 SSAs out of total 9. With consistent efforts of Com J S Dahiya AGS CHQ and others, on 21-4-19 in HISSAR , the 9th District Branch of AIBSNLPWA has been formed. In the General Body meeting of more than 30 Members, Coms. Rajkumar, N L Tanwar and Amar Singh have been unanimously elected as District President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively in the presence of Com J S Dahiya AGS.

P Gangadhara Rao GS


In the General Body meeting held on 30-6-18, under the Presidentship of Com Ram Ji Dubey and in the presence of Com. J S Dahiya AGS CHQ , a New Circle of UTTARAKHAND has been formed as 23rd Circle Unit of our AIBSNLPWA. Com Ram Ji Dubey, Gopal Dadar, Dhan Singh Gosain have been unanimously elected as Circle President, Circle Secretary and Circle Treasurer respectively.

P Gangadhara Rao GS


On 22-11-18 itself Com. D Gopalakrishnan and myself gave this letter to Member (F) and discussed with her. Since no action has been taken till now , as a reminder we gave a copy of that letter but with dt.. 4-4-19.


P Gangadhara Rao GS


Circle Conference of Assam Circle was held at Guwahati under the Presidentship of Com. M R Das. About 100 Delegates/ Observers attended the Conference.

Coms. Manoranjan Das ,Shyamalendu Bhattacharjee, Pradip kr. Bhagabati have been unanimously elected as Circle President, Circle Secretary and Circle Treasurer respectively.

CHQ congratulates the newly elected Office Bearers.

P Gangadhara Rao GS


Circle Executive Committee meeting of Punjab Circle was held on 5th April.2019 at Patiala. The meeting was attended by about 125 members from 11 SSAs of Punjab Circle . The membership of the Circle has risen to 1800. The meeting was addressed by Mr Subharao a prominent social worker and freedom fighter. All the district secretaries participated in vibrant deliberations. The gathering was addressed by Com Bajwa CS, Com Anupam Kaul, AGS and Com Atma Ram OS(CHQ). Com Sharma Circle Treasurer presented the accounts. Com Anupam Kaul in his adress deliberated on all issues including pension Revision. SSA representatives who enrolled maximum members were felicitated. Com Saini Circle President thanked the members

A new edition of a telephone directory of AIBSNLPWA Punjab was released . AGS Anupam kaul read out Com General secretaries messege to C E C .



Click here ida-april-2019.pdf


Today (4-4-19) , I met Smt. Anuradha Mitra , Member (F) along with Coms. Changappa CS and Ganeshan CT at BANGALORE in the office of CCA KTK.

At the outset, I Congratulated her for having launched the SAMPNN successfully . While giving a good feedback from the Pensioners who are getting Pension directly from CCA including sending SMS etc. , we expressed still our concern about a) getting form 16 and b) givinglife certificate. Smt. Linda DDG Accts. explained regarding Digital Life Certificate and Form 16. Member (F) assured that required care will be taken so that no Pensioner will be put to any difficulty.


1). Family Pension case of Smt. Manonmani, Thanjavur.She assured that action will be taken to settle it immediately.

2) Arbitrary reduction of LPD of those in the scale of 2550-2750 by CCA TN.

She told that a policy decision has to be taken.

3). Grant of minimum Pension of 9000/-

She told that for this also a policy decision has to be taken.

We requested her to do what ever is required from her side.

Finally I requested her to take initiative to solve our PENSION REVISION issue from 1-1-17. She told that this is in the domain of Member (S). When she was mentioning that DOP&PW hasn't taken any decision still , I explained the actual position and made over the copies of our letters to Secretary , Pension on 14-12-18, to JS , Pension on 12-2-19 and DOP&PW letter to DOT on 8-3-19.

We made out a point that DOT Establishment section is not taking the required action. In DOT, if anyone feelsthatthe hike given to us at the time of absorption and according to 2nd PRC isto be adjusted in future revisions , we will not allow it. We should continue to draw higher Pension for all the times to come.

At the end , we requested her to take the initiative as theCUSTODIANof BSNL/MTNL Pensioners in DOT and sort out our PENSION REVISION issue at the earliest.

P Gangadhara Rao GS



AP Circle was bifurcated into AP & TELANGANA on 22-1-17. AP Circle has increased its membership from 3890 to 6373 by its FIRST BIENNIAL CIRCLE CONFERENCE on 1-4-19 at Rajahmundry. Hats off to CS & his team for this great achievement.

The hall was fully packed with over 650 Delegates and Observers from all the 13 SSAs.

Com. D Gopalakrishnan VP , P Gangadhara Rao GS and V Rama Rao Asst . Treasurer CHQ & President TN Circle graced the occasion and addressed the house.

East Godavari , the host Branch made excellent arrangements for accommodation, meeting venue and food.

Coms. MRS Prakash Rao, KS Koteswara Rao ( Ex CS , Telangana ) ,V Varaprasad and S Venkatappaiah have been unanimously elected as Hon. President, Circle President, Circle Secretary and Treasurer respectively for the next two years term.

P Gangadhara Rao GS


Our Advocate Shri Sreeraj informed that reply from Respondents has been received in r/o OA No 338/18 .

Now both cases 338/18 & 346/18 stand adjourned. We have to wait for the date of listing.

P Gangadhara Rao GS


Our CHQ TREASURER Com Vittoban is shifting his residence.

All CSs are requested to ensure that CHEQUES, MONEY ORDERS, DDs, REGISTERED LETTERS etc are NOT SENT to his existing address by any one from their circles, till further information. New address will be intimated to you after his settlement there.

P Gangadhara Rao GS


All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers - AICPI (IW) FOR FEBRUARY 2019 remained stationary and stood at 307.

Therefore We are entitled for 2.6 % IDA increase from 01-04-2019.

Total IDA will be 141.4%