All India BSNL Pensioners' Welfare Association.









Within two weeks, the Management of BSNL/MTNL has achieved the target. More than 80,000 people of BSNL and 13414 people of MTNL have opted for VRS. The counter is open till 3-12-2019.

There are many doubts in the mind of employees; but fear psychosis is overwhelming.

.... What will happen to BSNL and MTNL with depleted staff strength?

.... What will happen to the rural telecommunication service?

.... How new service can be provided to people with 4G, if allotted to BSNL?

.... Whether the pension cases will be settled soon by DoT Cells when one lakh people retire suddenly? will VRS Optees get pension in February 2020?

.... As BSNL has not paid the pension contribution can DoT settle the pension cases?

.... As BSNL has not remitted the GPF contribution deducted from the salary of staff how accumulated GPF amount can be paid to retirees?

.... How commuted portion of pension can be paid after five years without amending the rules?

There are many such questions…..

No answer from BSNL/MTNL Management.

AUAB leaders met the Director yesterday. They got only one assurance from the Director that October salary will be paid on 28, November 2019!

What about November Salary? No answer.

Unfortunately, AUAB leaders are not unanimous in facing the crisis. Hence the proposed 3 days hunger strike from 20-11-2019 stands postponed, as reported in the website of BSNLEU.


Circle Executive Committee of Andhra circle met at Kurnool on 10-11-2019. Com. K Muthiyalu, Dy GS attended on behalf of CHQ and spoke elaborately on various issues.


As all of you are aware, we have been collecting donations from our members all over the country towards Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund, to help the victims of unprecedented rains and floods that affected lakhs of people in our country this year. We have done it in the past also when there were such natural calamities/disasters in Uthranchal, Andhra, Orissa, Chennai, Tamilnadu, Kodagu, Kerala etc.etc.

Our members from almost all circles responded positively to CHQ call and donated liberally. We could collect Rs. 37.94 lakhs from Circles. To make it Rs 40 lakhs, CHQ added a sum of Rs 2.05 lakh. We wanted to make over the fund to a central minister. Shri Pralhad Joshi, Minister for parliamentary affairs used to be in his constituency of Hubli on Saturdays and Sundays. We approached his office. They tentatively fixed the date as 9, November 2019. We announced our intension to organize the function on 9-11-2019 through our whasapp group.

As General Secretary was indisposed due to spondylosis, Com. P S Ramankutty and Com.D Gopalakrishnan were requested to go to Hubli. Com. DG could not go alone due to some health problem. Com. Vittoban also was indisposed. Finally Com. Rama Rao, Asst Treasurer accompanied DG, carried the Bank Cheque and attended the function. Com. Radhakrishna, AGS from Karnataka and Com.Changappa, CS Karnataka also went to Hubli. Com. G Babu, VP from Bangalore had to cancel his journey at the last moment. In view of Supreme Court verdict, Section 144 was imposed in Hubli town on 9-11-2019. Despite that, good number of comrades came from Hubli, Dharward, Belgavi, Bagalkot, Bijapur etc. Though the number of participants was less it was a lovely function, well organized.

Minister Shri Joshi came straight from the airport to the function organized in the conference hall of PGMT, Hubli. Com. S T Pawar, DS welcomed all. Com. P S Ramankutty, in his introductory speech mentioned briefly the welfare activities of AIBSNLPWA. Then he, along with other leaders, made over the Cheque for Rs 40 lakhs to the honourable minister.

Shri Pralhad Joshiji very much appreciated the efforts made by the Association. He commented that “ This shows that you are retired but not tired. While in service people may donate when the Boss donates. After retirement there is no such obligation. Even then you, the pensioners, have donated very good amount of Rs 40 lakhs. It is great efforts….”

After the function we had a brief discussion with Joshiji on our pension revision. He read our memorandum carefully, asked some specific clarifications trying to understand the issue. We clarified the points to his satisfaction .

Finally he assured us help to settle the matter and asked us to come to Delhi in first week of December 2019.

Cheque being handed over

Minister Sh. Joshiji speaks.

A view of audience

Com. DG speaks

Shri Pralhad Joshiji reads our memorandum on pension revision

to see the details of donations received please click here; pmnrf-upto-6-11-2019.pdf


Many comrades were asking our comments on VRS package etc. We did not want to jump into any hasty conclusion. So we waited. Our GS Com. Gangadhra Rao is not well. We could not consult each other and prepare any document.

Hence, I am giving my personal observations hereunder:

The scheme is formally announced now only. Our present members are not affected/benefitted by the VRS. Staff Unions have to react and give proper guidelines to remove the confusion. Some Staff unions, as usual, project the VRS as their historic achievement. Some others do not like it but they are helpless.

[They have not properly reacted to the ‘substandard’ speech of new CMD. Present CMD should understand that his predecessors only moved the BSNL to ventilator. It was total mismanagement all along. Can the new CMD take any action against them?]

VRS: There is no common formula to calculate the gains. Ex Gratia, in almost all cases of employees above 50 years of age, is limited to 125% of Pay (BP+IDA) of the balance service. Hence, it depends upon mainly on the length of service left. Pension, Gratuity and Pension Commutation are common retirement benefits. Over and above these normal retirement benefits the extra benefit is 25% of total pay of remaining service. HRA is lost till retirement date. Increments in future and increased rate of IDA are also lost. If one has more than 30 months of service left, the immediate monetary benefit is good. At the same time, they will be losing more in monthly pension for the rest of their life.


It is the government machinery assisted by vested interest social media that project Revival and VRS as great initiatives to uplift BSNL and MTNL.


Through VRS, one lakh workers will be sent out soon. BSNL will be LEAN.

By infusing some funds, government takes over the debt of BSNL and MTNL. They will be CLEAN. MTNL is made subsidiary of BSNL. So, only BSNL remains.

Airtel and Vodafone-Idea are in crisis. Supreme Court has directed them to pay Rs 93000 crore as fine to Govt. With the interest increasing daily, it is now Rs 1.4 lakh CRORE. Both the companies have approached the government for some relaxation. Mr. Mukesh Ambani has asked Minister, Communications to simply throw away their letter. Anytime Airtel and Vodafone may close their shops and exit, as done by Tata.

Then Reliance will be ready to take over BSNL, the LEAN and CLEAN baby. Once that is done, they will hike the tariff. Like LPG. Government will remain a silent spectator. Then people of India will understand the real impact. Till that time propaganda will be against workers, PSUs etc.

WAR is GOING ON. Wait and see who will survive and who will be eliminated.




Today, CAT Ernakulam took up our OA 346/18 for arguments. All the Central government pensioners are getting pension @50% of their last pay drawn now irrespective of their date of retirement. But it is not applied in the case of BSNL staff retired before 2006 though all are covered by the same CCS Pension Rule 1972. As a test case, we filed an application against this injustice before CAT Ernakulam. We want that all BSNL pensioners retired before 2006 should also get their pension re-fixed at the rate of 50% of their last pay drawn with all consequential benefits. P S Ramankutty, All India President of AIBSNLPWA is the first applicant.

The case was listed and postponed again and again several times. Finally, today the case was taken up for arguements. Government pleader argued that the new orders are not applicable to IDA pensioners. Our lawyer Adv. Sreeraj countered the same effectively.

Finally, the Judge reserved the case for decision. While going through the arguments and orders, if he desires so he may ask some clarification from the advocates. Otherwise he may pronounce his judgment on a later date which is not declared.

Anyway, arguments are over. That is a progress.


The Business Today reports:

“The Supreme Court's decision on October 24 in favour of DoT (department of telecommunications) could be a death knell for the telecom sector…

The decision will have a far-reaching impact on the sector, which is already battling with prolonged tariff wars and high debt burden. The profitability of incumbents is seriously under duress. Airtel, for instance, posted net losses of Rs 2,392.2 crore in the quarter ended June 2019. Vodafone Idea recorded net loss of Rs 4,873.9 crore in the same quarter….”


There is some indication that one company may file insolvency petition to escape from paying such a huge amount. That will lead to closure of that company.

A great opportunity awaits BSNL.

BSNL MANAGEMENT must rise with an aggressive marketing plan to grab the opportunity and flourish. It needs imagination, talent and professional management.Will it have?...PSR



Finally, the cat is thrown out of the bag. In accordance with the migration plan of 1999, Telecom Operators have to pay a certain percentage of their revenue to the government as license fee etc. In 2005 a dispute arose between the government of India and the private Operators regarding the amount to be paid.

As usual, the private Operators showed less revenue deducting some expenditure towards rent, dividend etc. Government did not accept that calculation. Number of cases were filed in different courts at different levels. The legal battle continued for 14 years. In the meantime, some companies closed their shops and disappeared. Bharti Airtel had to pay to Rs. 21682.13 Crore and Vodafone Rs 28308 Crore originally. They did not pay pointing out the court cases on the Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR).

Now, on 24-10-2019, the Supreme Court bench, consisting of Justice Arun Mishra, Justice Abdul Nazeer and Justice M R Shah rejected the pleas of private companies and ordered that they should pay the dues with interest and penalty. Net result is that Bharti Airtel and Vodafone together have to pay Rs 92000 crore to the government.

Government has enough money to meet all expenses for the Revival plans. Good.


Today, 23-10-2019, the cabinet has approved the Revival plan for BSNL and MTNL.
Announcing the decisions, MoC Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad stated :

1. BSNL and MTNL are strategic assets of the Nation. During natural calamities, military actions and for army communication network, banking communication networks etc. only BSNL has given proper help.

2. BSNL and MTNL shall not be closed down. There shall be no disinvestment also.

3. Both the companies will be made competitive. Funds will be raised by issuing bonds, 4 G spectrum will be allotted to BSNL and during the next four years lands of BSNL will be monetized.

4. ATTRACTIVE VRS is offered to reduce the salary expenditure. Rs 17169 cr will be used for giving ex-gratia benefits and Rs 12000 needed for giving pensionary benefits, which is government responsibility.

5. For the time being, MTNL will be made a subsidiary company of BSNL. MTNL cannot be straight away merged now because some of its shares are already disinvested. Such issues will be sorted out on fast tract method.

PSR , 23-10-2019 1720 hrs.

The Press release is attached:

The Union Cabinet today approved the proposal for revival of BSNL and MTNL by administrative allotment of spectrum for 4G services, debt restructuring by raising of bonds with sovereign guarantee, reducing employee costs, monetisation of assets and in-principle approval of merger of BSNL & MTNL.

The following was approved by the cabinet:-
1. Administrative allotment of spectrum for 4G services to BSNL and MTNL so as to enable these PSUs to provide broadband and other data services. The said Spectrum will be funded by the Government of India by capital infusion in these PSUs at a value of Rs 20,140 Cr in addition; the GST amount of Rs 3,674 Cr to this spectrum value will also be borne by the Government of India through Budgetary resources. By using this spectrum allotment, BSNL and MTNL will be able to deliver 4G services, compete in the market and provide high speed data using their vast network including in rural areas.
2. BSNL and MTNL will also raise long-term bonds of Rs 15,000 Cr for which sovereign guarantee will be provided by the Government of India (GoI). With the said resources, BSNL and MTNL will restructure their existing debt and also partly meet CAPEX, OPEX and other requirements.
3. BSNL and MTNL will also offer Voluntary Retirement to their employees, aged 50 years and above through attractive Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS), the cost of which will be borne by the Government of India through budgetary support. The
ex-gratia component of VRS will require Rs. 17,169 Cr in addition, GoI will be meeting the cost towards Pension, Gratuity and Commutation. Details of the scheme will be finalised by BSNL/MTNL.
4. BSNL and MTNL will monetise their assets so as to raise resources for retiring debt, servicing of bonds, network upgradation, expansion and meeting the operational fund requirements.
5. In-principle merger of BSNL and MTNL

It is expected that with the implementation of said revival plan, BSNL and MTNL will be able to provide reliable and quality services through its robust telecommunication network throughout the country including rural and remote areas.
PRESS Release ID :193957)



Our Case before Ernakulam CAT for pension at the rate of 50% of Last Pay Drawn for all pre-2006 retirees was posted for final disposal today. Our lawyer was ready to argue the case. The bench took up the case also. The government pleader was not present. A junior lady lawyer appeared for the government side informed that she was not prepared for arguement. So the case is posted for 25-10-2019 for final disposal.


"Justice delayed is justice denied" is a legal maxim meaning that if legal redress is available for a party that has suffered some injury, but is not forthcoming in a timely fashion, it is effectively the same as having no redress at all. Time and again the above maxim was quoted by judges after judges and advocates after advocates. But, the situation is not changed, at least in our country.

On 27,June, 2019, the Honourable Law Minister Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad informed the Rajya Sabha in a written reply that; “43.55 lakh cases are pending in the 25 high courts in the country and over 8 lakh of these are over a decade old”

58669 cases are pending in our Supreme Court alone as on 1-6-2019.



While pension was revised by Manipur State Govt. with effect from 1-1-1996, some injustice was done to those retired before that day. The All Manipur State Pensioners Association approached the High Court. The Single Bench in HC gave a verdict in 1999 in favour pensioners. Govt of Manipur filed appeal against that. Legal fight continued.

Finally, the case went to the Supreme Court. Two months back, the Supreme Court gave its verdict in favour of Pensioners.

Pensioners won their case after 20 years of legal battle.

Still order is not issued by the Government.

By this time, most of the affected pensioners expired.






1. Case No. 346/2018: seeking pension revision (78.2) arrears from 1-1-2007, bundled with another case filed by some retired officers of Kerala is now posted to 7-11-2019. It was posted like this several times. One day before the date the case was being postponed by notification. So even now, it is not sure if the case will be heard on 7-11-2019.

Case 2. No 338/2018: Seeking pension fixation at 50% of Last Pay Drawn for all those who retired prior to 1-1-2006. After several postponement it is now posted to 23-10-2019 for final disposal.

We are waiting.


The fifth Kerala Circle Conference was held on 15-10-2019 at Palakkad.The Palakkad SSA Unit is comparatively a smaller district unit of Kerala Circle. However, the unit could host the massive conference in an excellent manner. 425 delegates representing all the 11 SSA units and CEC members attended the conference. Com. P Gangadhara Rao, GS inaugurated the conference at 10 AM. He explained status of various issues and problems.

Shri D Manoj, the CCA Kerala was the Chief Guest. He addressed the conference in his inimitable style and shared valuable information with the audience.

Central trade Union leaders like Shri Vijayan Kunisseri (AITUC), K Sudhakaran (BMS), A Prabhakaran (CITU) and K Appu (INTUC) and Shri G N Hariharan Nair (CS of DoT&BSNL Pensioners Association, Kerala) greeted the conference. Thereafter Com. P S Ramankutty (CHQ President), R N Pada Nair (AGS) and Smt A P Saraswathy (Org. Secy) also addressed the inaugural session. Com. V S Ramachandran (Chairman, Reception Committee) welcomed and Com. K T Ramanarayanan (GS, Rec. Committee) proposed vote of thanks.

In the afternoon, the Delegate Session met. It was addressed by Com. B Arunachalam, veteran leader of Tamilnadu circle who hails from the nearby station, Coimbatore. All district secretaries and few delegates participated in the debate on Report, Account and resolutions. The conference decided to launch a campaign to project the demands for pension revision, grant of funds for BSNLMRS and our views on the present crisis of BSNL in particular and Telecom Industry in general.

Comrades P Narayanan Moosad, T P George and C G Daniel have been unanimously re-elected as Circle President, Circle Secretary and Treasurer respectively.Comrades T Ramachandran, R N Pada Nair and P K Gopala Pillai are patrons.

The conference concluded at 5.30 PM on time. The Palakkad comrades could make very conformable arrangements for conference, CWC meeting, stay and food of all delegates to fullest of their satisfaction. It was a well arranged, disciplined conference in all respects.

to the complete list of office bearers, Kerala please click here: kla-ob.pdf



DPE has issued orders raising the rate of IDA effective from 1-10-2019 to 152%. We have forwarded the order to 42 CPPCs of banks.

to see the order click here; ida-oct-19.pdf


We are happy to note that two Circles – Haryana and Karnataka – have responded very positively to the call from our CHQ for donations towards PMNRF. CHQ fixed a nominal target of Rs 100 per member to each Circle based on their membership.Both Haryana and Karnataka have exceeded their targets. Hubli and Mangalore have contributed much to bring the Karnataka Circle to the top. Some District Units in other Circles also have exceeded their targets, details of which will be published later on.

Comrades of Karnataka circle have done a great job. The membership of Karnataka circle Unit is
5212. As such, CHQ fixed a target of Rs 521200 as its donation towards PMNRF. Amazingly, the
Circle has so far remitted Rs 630501 exceeding the target. It is a remarkable achievement. The
dedication, enthusiasm, commitment and hard work of our active comrades in different branches
like Mangalore and Hubli have brought the Circle to the top. CHQ congratulates comrades of
Karnataka circle for the spectacular achievement.


We note with great admiration the determination, dedication and Enthusiastic initiative taken by leaders of our Hubli Unit in collecting donation from members. Seeing the plight of the people of North Karnataka, where there were unprecedented floods this time, our Hubli leaders started collecting donations towards CMDRF of Karnataka, even before CHQ issued the Call. Hubli (Hubballi) unit has 330 members. About 130 of them gave the donations; 70% of them remitted on-line. Hubli Unit has remitted Rs 50,000 to CMDRF and Rs 82,500 to CHQ. Total Rs. 1,32,500.


Hubli comrades are the pioneers in the movement. Well-done, Comrades; WELL-DONE.


Mangalore comrades have contributed a great for the amazing achievement of Karnataka circle in crossing targeted amount of donations towards PMNRF. Mangalore District Unit has 517 members. So, the target fixed was Rs. 51700. They have already remitted Rs 1,28,000 to CHQ. Still, every day, donation is being received by the District Unit. Mangalore comrades may cross Rs 1,50,000. 300% of the Target.

90% of the Members paid donations on-line. That is the wonderful enthusiasm shown by our comrades in Mangalore SSA. CHQ appreciates the awesome work done by Mangalore Comrades.


We report with great happiness that our Haryana Circle Unit has exceeded the target fixed towards PMNRF.

Haryana is comparatively a smaller Circle Unit having only 275 members. So, CHQ fixed a target of Rs 27500 for the Circle. But, as on date, Haryana has remitted Rs 34500. CHQ congratulates Com. J S Dahiya our AGS and Com. J S Mallick, our CS of Haryana and other leaders of the Circle for the spectacular achievement.




Directorate of CGHS has issued two orders recently.

1. Empaneled Hospitals should not refuse treatment in emergency cases insisting formalities.

2. Revised guidelines for settling the pending medical claims from pensioners.

Click here to see the orders: cghs-order-on-emergency.pdf cghs-guidelinbes-on-claims.pdf




The light has gone out, I said, and yet I was wrong. For the light that shone in this country was no ordinary light. The light that has illumined this country for these many years will illumine this country for many more years, and a thousand years later, that light will be seen in this country and the world will see it and it will give solace to innumerable hearts.

Jawaharlal Nehru, 1948


Generations to come will scarce believe that such a man as this walked the earth in flesh and blood.

Albert Einstein, 1948


If humanity is to progress, Gandhi is inescapable. He lived, thought, and acted, inspired by the vision of humanity evolving toward a world of peace and harmony. We may ignore him at our own risk.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr


“Gandhi’s ideas have played a vital role in South Africa’s transformation and with the help of Gandhi’s teaching, apartheid has been overcome.”

Nelson Mandela


Mahatma Gandhi came and stood at the door of India’s destitute millions…who else has so unreservedly accepted the vast masses of the Indian people as his flesh and blood…Truth awakened Truth…

Rabindra Nath Tagore


“He was right, he knew he was right, we all knew he was right. The man who killed him knew he was right. However long the follies of the violent continue, they but prove that Gandhi was right. ‘Resist to the very end’, he said, ‘but without violence.’ Oh, India, dare to be worthy of your Gandhi...
Pearl S Buck

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