All India BSNL Pensioners' Welfare Association.



As all are aware, the Wage (PAY) revision in Central Public Sector Establishments take place in two stages. 1) First, for the Executives, based on the recommendations of Pay Revision Committee.

2) Then for the Non-executives, through bilateral negotiations between Management and recognized Unions.

The third Pay Revision Committee’s report is before the Government now. The PRC permitted wage revision with a condition that the additional expenditure should not cross 20% of Profit Before Tax. With this condition, wage revision in BSNL is very remote. Cabinet Secretary held a meeting recently with Secretaries of various departments. In the said meeting DoT did not demand exemption from the affordability condition for BSNL.

Some of the leaders of BSNL Unions were demanding Pension Revision along with Wage Revision.


They have spoiled the chance of pension revision for BSNL retirees. Meeting of various unions of BSNL staff held today has decided for agitational programmes including strike on 27-7-2017. Again, they have raised the demand of pension revision. As in the past, they will conveniently forget this demand when negotiation takes place. It is a usual game.

BSNL has to revise the wages .BSNL has no authority to revise pension. Government has to take a decision regarding pension revision. Government need not worry about affordability.

We demand Pension Revision, independent of wage revision in BSNL. Pension should be revised delinking it from the profit/loss of BSNL. It should be done based on the Seventh Central Pay Commission Recommendations.





[25.05.2017] Wage revision of BSNL employees is in danger - total unity of all the unions and associations and united struggles alone will ensure wage revision of the BSNL employees.

All are aware that, the 3rd PRC recommendations are against the BSNL employees. The affordability clause of the 3rd PRC recommendations says that, the Profit Before Taxation (PBT) of a PSU should not dip by more than 20%, due to the implementation of the wage revision. BSNL is not making any profit. Hence, BSNL employees are not entitled for wage revision, as per the recommendation of the 3rd PRC. The role of the Administrative Ministry, ie., DoT is very crucial in this. So long as shri J. S. Deepak was the Secretary, DoT, he had been taking a very positive stand on the wage revision of BSNL employees. However, after his removal, a shift has come in the stand of the DoT also. Under these circumstances, unless the entire unions and associations stand together, it will be extremely difficult for the BSNL employees to get wage revision. Let us get ready for massive and united struggles, to ensure that wage revision is ensured to BSNL employees..



After the recent merger of five subsidiary banks (including State Bank of Travancore, with whom our CHQ has the Accounts) in SBI, the Bank is levying unnecessary charges and putting unwanted restrictions.

More than Rs 25000 can not be sent to a particular account per day. One branch transfers Rs. 25000 to CHQ account one day. Nobody else can transfer amounts on that day.If they transfer we have to pay unnecessary fines.

Use NEFT to transfer funds to CHQ account.

First, deposit the amount in the account of the branch.Then using NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer system) you can transfer any amount without paying extra charges.




Some Circle Units have opened bank account giving CHQ PAN. Now, the Tax is deducted for the total amount taking together all the deposits made by CHQ and Circles with the same PAN. We are made to pay huge amounts as Income Tax. So, Circle Units are requested to obtain separate PAN. It is urgent.


Trivandrum District conference held on 20-5-2017in the RTTC auditorium was inaugurated by P S Ramankutty, National President. Com. T P George, Circle Secretary, Com. Sadanandan of Kendriya Vidyalay Pensioners Forum and Com. Vanamamalai of Defence pensioners organization addressed the meeting. More than 400 members attended the conference.

Comrades S G Panicker, K Ravindran and C Ravikumar are re-elected as District President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively.


Muvattupuzha branch in Ernakulam district held it annual meeting on 20-5-2017. Com. R N Pada Nair, Circle President of Kerala inaugurated the meeting.

Two photos


As reported earlier, due to our consistent efforts, the BSNL Corporate Office has restored quarterly medical allowance without Voucher for the Pensioners only. Now, SSA offices are collecting options from the pensioners.

Each and every Pensioner should calculate which is beneficial to him/her and then give option.

For those who retired before 1-1-2007, the quantum of medical allowance is the same what they were receiving earlier till 2011. From that, the monthly amount can be assessed.If the expenditure being incurred by a pensioner is higher than the said amount, it is better to opt for with voucher scheme.


In July 2016, the Cabinet decided to revise our Pension with 78.2% IDA. Last date prescribed to complete the work was 31-12-2016. Neither the DOT nor the BSNL honoured it. Then Member (F) of Telecom Commission extended the date up to 10-4-2017.One month has passed since the second date also. Some circles have not cleared the cases of those who retired in 2008 or 2009 even.

Now, the Corporate Office has asked the Circles to intimate number of cases processed and forwarded to CCAs by BSNL SSAs till 31-3-2017.

CO used to ask data from Circles very often.Most of the Circles do not comply with it.This is the BSNL efficiency.


Please click here to see the File attached to understand the benefit being derived from the new Option given to CDA pensioners, including DOT pensioners. third-option-benefit.pdf


The Tiruchirapalli SSA Unit of AIBSNLPWA held a special meeting on 13-5-2017, presided over by Com. V P Kathaperumal. Com. K Muthiyalu, CS of Tamilnadu spoke in detail about various issues concerning BSNL retirees.


Once gain, the Corporate Office has issued instructions to all CGMs to empanel more reputed hospitals under BSNLMRS. The letter is attached here. bsnlmrs-may2.pdf

Corporate Office does not realize the practical problems in the field. Most of the reputed hospitals are reluctant to make agreement with BSNL for cashless treatment due to delay in payment of their charges.


The Corporate Office has sent a reply to Bharat Pensioners Samaj, with copies to all CGMs, about procedure to migrate to CGHS by BSNL Retirees.

The letter is given here. bsnlcghs-may1.pdf


As all of us know, the Seventh Central Pay Commission had suggested two options for granting parity in pension to senior pensioners retired before 1-1-2006 etc. Orders were issued in August 2016 and the Second Option was implemented. Then existing basic Pension of Central Pensioners (DOT pensioners) was revised by multiplying with 2.57.

The first Option suggested by CPC was not implemented saying it is not feasible . The matter was referred to a Committee of senior officers. Based on the report of the said committee, Cabinet has now approved revision of pension of old pensioners with a THIRD OPTION. It is little better than 2.57 formula. But it is quite unsatisfactory compared to the Option 1 suggested by CPC and rejected by the Government now.

The order dated 12-5-2017 is attached here. It is bit difficult to calculate and find out the benefit.



Com. G S Bajwa, CS of Punjab reports:

All members of Nawanshahr and Nabha branches have converted themselves into life members of our Association. Similarly, 16 Members of Batala branch also turned to be Life Members.

Congratulations to Punjab Team led by Saini, Bajwa, Atma Ram Verma and others.


As reported by Com. Ram Avtar Sharma, CS of our Rajsthan Circle Unit,

the CCA Office at Jaipur has cleared pension revision cases of all the 4860 pensioners, received from BSNL so far. A handful of cases are still pending with SSAs for some reasons. CCA Office is prepared to clear them also as soon received from BSNL.

We appreciate the great work done by AO (Pension) and his team of CCA office at Jaipur Rajsthan.


Yet, another inspiring news from Palakkad (Palghat) , Kerala. The District Unit of our Association has doubled its membership during the last one year. The team led by Com. K T Ramanarayanan has achieved it with systematic work.

The annual general body meeting of the District branch held at Palakad on 13-5-2017 was attended by more than 70% members. Com. P S Ramankutty inaugurated the meeting, addressed by Com. R N Pada Nair, Com. T P George and Com. S Prabhakaran, Circle leaders.

Comrades S Prabhakaran, K T Ramanarayanan and Natarajan are elected as District President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively.


Kannur (Cannanore) SSA Unit of our Association in Kerala is facing all types or opposition and pressure from various forces. But our Kannur Comrades are determined. The Unit has enrolled maximum number of Life members during the last one year. Out of the 341 members 310 are life members.

The annual general body meeting held on 12-5-2017 was inaugurated by Com. P S Ramankutty and addressed by Comrades T P George, R N Pada Nair and T Ramchandran and others.

Coms. P Sugunaretnam, C Krishnan and M K D Nambiar are re-elected as District President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively.


More than 25 BSNL pensioners who were members of other organizations at Koppal in Raichur SSA of Karnataka have joined our Association on 12-5-2017 in a special meeting organised at Koppal on the initiative by Com. K G Deshpande (AI Org Secretary) and Com. R Changappa (CS KTA).

Comrades A H Desai, K G Hunugund and Gondi are elected as branch President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively.


Calicut SSA branch in Kerala held its annual general body meeting on 11-5-2017. More than 300 members attended it. Com. P S Ramankutty (National President), Com. T P George (Circle Secretary), Com. R N Pada Nair (Circle President), T Ramchandran (Circle VP) and other leaders addressed.

A unique feature of Calicut branch, led by Smt. Anmnie Preman (DS), is that it organizes charity activities with the fund collected from its members every year. Last year, it has spent Rs. 124000 on charity work. In the meeting itself, the SSA Unit handed over cheques to Paliative Care Society of Calicut and The Ekalavya School (providing free education to adivasi students in the adjacent Wynad district).

On seeing a news item in the newspapers that a girl from a poor family in the Calicut district passed the SSLC examination with A+ in all the subjects, the District Unit invited the girl to the meeting and handed over a cheque. It was also declared that District Unit will meet all the expenses for her education for next two years. Some Members also donated liberally to the girl on the spot.

Comrades T Ramachandran, C K Surendran and C Jayanandan are elected as new District President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

A view of members attending Calicut meeting

Com. P S Ramankutty inaugurates the meeting.

Coms. Annie Preman, N Chandu, T P George, R N Padanair, KCK Nair, T Ramachandran, PNN Moosad are seen in the picture.



Mangalore District Conference was held on 5-5-2017. Com. P Gangadhara Rao (Dy GS and Circle President of Karnataka ) and Com. R Changappa (CS, Karnataka) attended and spoke in details about various issues concerning BSNL pensioners.

Comrades H Ramakrishna, K Chandramohan and U Seetharam Bhat are elected as District President, Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

2 photos of the conference:


As usual, wide publicity is given by the press for the Cabinet Decision on Option for Pension revision.

Details will be known only when the order is issued. Seventh Central Pay Commission had recommended two Options. Option 1 was beneficial to old pensioners, retired before 2006. Govt. had accepted it in principle but appointed a Committee of officers to examine if the Option 1 is feasible. That committee has submitted its report now suggesting a third Option.

Details will be known only when formal order is issued. However, it can be said that the new Option No 3 is much less beneficial than Option No. 1. DOT Pensioners should wait for the formal order and act upon assessing the actual benefit.