All India BSNL Pensioners' Welfare Association.



ECONOMIC TIMES reported on 2-8-2017:

"There is no proposal to merge loss making public sector telecom operator with BSNL, Union Minister Manoj Sinha informed Parliament today (on 1-8-2017).

"At present, there is no proposal for merger of BSNL and MTNL," Sinha said in the Lok Sabha on revival of both the PSUs. Though BSNL has seen improvement in its performance, MTNL's net loss for the year ended March, 2017, widened to Rs 2,963.05 crore from Rs 1,945.86 crore at the end of previous fiscal. The annual income of MTNL also declined by 3.6 per cent to Rs 3,654.69 crore for 2016-17 from Rs 3,793.89 crore at the end of 2015-16.

Telecom Minister Manoj Sinha said based on the financial results of MTNL for the financial year 2016-17, the telecom operator has been classified as "Incipient Sick CPSE" as per Department of Public Enterprise (DPE) Guidelines.


All of you may be aware that on the basis of clarification issued by Directorate, vide their letter dated 7/3/2017, to CCA, Tamilnadu more than 600 pensioners’ files were returned to SSAs for exclusion one extra increment and issue fresh sanction for 78.2 IDA merger.This extra increment was included when 68.8 IDA merger benefit was given from 1/1/2007.On the basis of clarification issued by directorate along with a ‘Note’ supplied by corporate office, the department is contemplating to recover the extra increment which was granted on the basis of Corporate office letter dated 18/11/2003.If it is allowed, thousands of pensioners had to face huge recovery.Our Circle Union immediately wrote a letter to CCA, Tamilnadu that recovery cannot be effected because of Apex Court judgement and quoting that judgment DoPT issued relevant order on the subject.

The Circle Union did not stop with that.AIBSNLPWA, TN circle represented by its Circle Secretary along with two affected pensioners filed a case before CAT, Chennai Bench on 25/7/2017.The respondents are 1) Secretary, Telecom 2) Under Secretary, DoT 3) Senior Accts officer, O/o PCCA, TN 4) CCA, TN & 5) CMD BSNL.

Prayer for Interim order:- It is prayed that this Hon Tribunal may be pleased to quash the order of the 2nd Respondent dated 7/3/2017 bearing No.40-16/2012-(Pen T) and the consequential order of the 3rd Respondent dated Nil.06.2017 bearing No.DoT/CCA/TN/Pen Rev/50%CVP and render justice.4th Respondent may be directed to recall the files from BSNL offices and grant the benefit of 78.2% DA merger taking into account the extra increment as it was done prior to receipt of 7/3/2017 order of 2nd respondent.

Relief prayed for :- (i) to quash the order of the 2nd Respondent dated 7/3/2017 bearing No.40-16/2012-(Pen T) and the consequential order of the 3rd Respondent dated Nil.06.2017 bearing No.DoT/CCA/TN/Pen Rev/50%CVP and

(ii) consequently direct the respondents to continue to retain the extra increment given to the members of the 1st Applicant Association, whose names are given in the Annexure 15 to the application and continue to pay the pension on that basis and

(iii) pass such other orders or directions as this Hon Tribunal think fit in the circumstances of the case

The case was admitted on 4/8/2017. Copy our petition was served to the advocate of the respondents.Now the case is posted to 8/8/2017.


Department of Public Enterprises has issued Office Memorandum on 3-8-2017 (just now uploaded in their website) based on Cabinet decision on implementation of report of Third Pay Revision Committee.

It does not talk about PENSION REVISION, as expected.

There is no specific mention about BSNL in the OM.

About affordability the OM says:

3. The revised pay scales would be implemented subject to the condition that the additional financial impact in the year of implementing the revised pay package for Board level Executives, Below Board level executives and non-unionized Supervisors should not be more than the 20% of the average Profit Before Tax (PBT) of the last three financial years preceding the year of implementation.”

There is a dangerous clause in the OM;

“No fitment or any other benefit of pay revision will be implemented in the CPSEs where the additional financial impact of the revised pay package is more than 40% of the average PBT (Profit Before Tax) of the last 3 financial years.”

A more dangerous clause in the OM is that “if the profitability of a CPSE falls in such a way that the earlier revision now entails impact of more than 20% of average PBT of last 3 years, then PRP/Allowances will have to be reduced to bring down impact…”

Now, we have to see how DoT proceeds further.



The All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers for June 2017 is announced by Labour Bureau: It is 280 points. 2 Point Increase from the previous month. In July 2016, one year back, it was 280 points. Then it came down and down gradually. After one year it has come back to the level of 280 points.


CDA will be 5% from July 2017 for Central Government Employees and Pensioners.

1% increase from the existing 4% based on their revised pay and Pension.



"Today Regional Labour Commissioner called us for conciliation talk. BSNL informed that most of the issues are related to Govt/DoT. RLC personally spoken to Jt Sec(A), DoT and enquired about Govt stand. He replied that he is not aware of the strike at all. This is the official reply of DoT whereas some are propagated that DoT is positive, Minister is positive."


Media reported that the Cabinet meeting held on 19-7-2017 presided over by PM Shri Narendra Modi approved the third Pay Revision Committee report. But, so far no official communication on this decision has come out.

Some organizations of the BSNL Executives claim that Cabinet has approved the PRC report and DPE will issue notification this week. Good. Some other organizations feel that even if DPE issues notification, the BSNL Board may not revise the wages of Executives in BSNL since the Company did not earn profit during the last three consecutive years. So they have decided to go on one day’s strike on 27-7-2017. Some other organizations do not join this strike for their own reasons.

All of them want PRC report should be implemented and wage of serving staff in BSNL should be revised.

But, there is no unity in action. That is the tragedy

The United Forum which organizes the strike admits now that there is no chance of wage revision in BSNL. They are the same people who demanded pension revision along with this wage revision. Along with the NONE!

We anticipated this situation three years ago. Hence we demanded pension revision with CPC fitment formula.

We wish the serving staff all success in their efforts to get wage revision. All should realize that unity is the prerequisite for any such struggle.

Image result for Justice delayed



Honouring the Court judgement after 12 years:

Punishing the people for going to the Court!

In 2003 or so the CGHS authorities refused to enroll retired P&T employees as beneficiaries of the CGHS. Pensioners in different Circles approached the government. No Result. Finally the Central Government Pensioners Association (Kerala), Trichur filed a case in CAT, Ernakulam bench. The CAT gave judgement in favour of the pensioners on 12, July 2005. 12 years ago.

CGHS cards were issued to the applicant pensioners. Pensioners of other Circles were refused it. Government went on Appeals. In the name of appeals and other cases pending in other CAT benches, no common order was issued.

Now, after long 12 years, the Department of Health and Family Welfare has issued an Office Memorandum on 19, July 2017 honouring the CAT judgement .

Many pensioners have departed this world during the last 12 years without getting proper medical care. Who are responsible for that? What action is taken against such officers who refused to honour the verdicts of Courts of Law? What action will the Government take against such officers who wasted the government money for unwanted Appeals. The OM dated 19-7-2017 is reproduced hereunder..


Dept. of Health & family Welfare OM
No. S-11016/2/2015-CGHS(P)/EHS
dated 19th July 2017.
Sub: Extension of CGHS facilities to the pensioners of Post and Telegraph Department.

With reference to the above subject, the undersigned is directed to draw attention to the Office Memorandum No S-11011/46/95-CGHS D-II/CGHS(P) dated 1, August 1996 and to state that it has now been decided to revoke the OM dated 1-8-1996 in compliance of the Orders of Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal, Ernakulam Bench dated 12th July 2005 in OA No 563/2004 and 590/2004 and Order dated 01-06-2017 in OP 180/21/2017 arising out of OA No 180/563/2004 between Central Government Pensioners’ Association (Kerala) and Ors Vs UOI & others.

2. The retired employees of Post and Telegraph Department shall hereafter be entitled to the CGHS facility, irrespective of whether they were members of CGHS prior to retirement or not, subject to the payment of prevalent subscription for availing themselves of this facility as per rules as in the case of other Central Government pensioners.

3. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.



Guntur branch (AP Circle) held its extended Executive Committee meeting on 21-7-2017.

Comardes M R S Prakasa Rao (Circle Pres.), Varaprasad (CS), Ch. Ramakrishna Rao (ACS), G Venkateswara Rao (DS), Laxminarayana (DP), Balakoteswara Rao (Tenali Br. Secy) and others spoke on various issues.

2 Photos:



We, the BSNL retirees of India and their mighty organization AIBSNLPWA, join the people of India in welcoming Shri Ramnath Kovind to the highest position of our great Nation. His journey from the Village near Kanpur to the Raisina Hills in New Delhi where the Rashtrapati Bhavan is located is quite inspiring.He will be occupying the prestigious Chair of President of India on next Tuesday - a Chair occupied by great personalities like
Dr. Rajendra Prasad,
Dr. Radhakrishnan,
Dr. Zakir Hussain,
Dr. K R Narayanan and
Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam….




The Hindu Business Line quoting PTI reports that the Cabinet chaired by PM Shri Narendra Modi, yesterday approved the Third PRC report for wage revision of serving Executives in PSEs. We do not doubt the credibility of Hindu or the PTI. The report says that 15% hike in salary is proposed. There, the doubts arise. Because PRC has recommended 15%, 10% and 5% hike depending upon the affordability of PSUs. Hence, we were waiting for the official Press Release.

Normally, after Cabinet Meetings the Press Information Bureau releases Press Communiqués. After yesterday’s meeting also the PIB has given eight Press Releases. In that there is nothing about the PRC Report and Pay hike in CPSEs.

The Procedure:

There are certain procedures for implementing PRC report like; 1) The Cabinet approves it based on the Cabinet Note submitted by Department of Public Enterprises. 2) DPE issues the Office Memorandum based on the Cabinet approval. 3) DOT endorses the DPE OM to BSNL. 4) BSNL Board meets and considers the affordability and then takes a decision.

Even if the Media report is correct, we have to wait for the further procedures.Let us wait and see. Let us not jump into any hasty conclusion. And, after all, it is only for serving Executives. Not for retired people.



Dept. of Expenditure, Central Pension Accounting OfficeOM

No. CPAO/IT&Tech/Revision(7th CPC/19.Vol-III/2017-18/68 dated 14-07-2017

Attention is invited to Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure Resolution No.11-1/2016-IC dated-6th July, 2017 on the above subject whereby it has been decided to revise the existing rates of following allowances for Pensioners:


1. Fixed Medical Allowance: Existing Rates: Rs 500/- .... Revised Rates: Rs 1000/-

2. Constant Medical Allowance on 100% disablement: Existing: Rs 4500/- .... Revised Rs 6750/-

These revised rates are payable w.e.f. 01.07.2017.

In view of the above, Heads of CPPCs/Government Business Departments of all the banks are requested to arrange to credit the pensions/family pensions to the bank accounts from the month of July, 2017 onwards, for the respective pensioners who are already being paid above allowances, with the revised rates without waiting for any specific/separate authority from CPAO for such Pensioners.

This issues with the approval of the competent authority.


Hundreds of BSNL PENSIONERS from Chennai Telephone District and Chennai Traffic Division, Chennai STR Division and a large number of PENSIONERS from adjacent SSAs from CUDDALORE, PONDICHERRY & VELLORE participated in the MASS DHARNA on 19-7-17 in front of CCA OFFICE, Chennai protesting against the unhelpful attitude of the Pr.CCA Office towards the settlement of the pending problems of pensioners in 78.2% pension revision arrears and also to protest against the disrespectful attitude of the CCA OFFICE Officials, Ethiraj Salai showing towards our leaders and pensioners when they visit CCA OFFICE for genuine enquiries.

Few Photographs of the Event are given below:


Contempt of Court petition filed by our Association in the pension anomaly case came up before the Principal bench of CAT today. Court issued notice to all the Respondents by name, as the usual procedure. Next date is 16-8-2017.